Tuesday, January 31, 2006


OK, so my dad sent me this email forward that you know is typical propaganda about how the Middle East is taking our money and "What the cost of gas is really paying for" yadda yadda. Well the images it showed are true, and normally I tend to shy away from things that can be over generalized and taken out of context.

But it got me thinking that "other" countries are making an absolute killing on our oil sales and are able to build lavish sky resorts in the 120 degree heat dessert. So why the heck aren't we all moving much more quickly to BIO-DIESEL. Then our farmers could build their own luxury ski resort in the plains and deserts.

I mean, just ask Willie Nelson.

Now he's my kind of guy. Too bad neither of my vehicles are Diesel.

Them's my thoughts.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Once again..

I don't have much to say. We'll actually I finally watched Wednedsay Lost and what an odd episode it was. It was all about Charlie and frankly I think the plot is just running a little slow right now. I don't mean to say that I think they should be answering all the questions but really don't you think more stuff could happen. I mean we saw the "others" last week and now they are out of the picture again. I want to see Jack building his Army not Charlie hallucinating about baptising a baby. Speaking of which that was very creeping and I know some viewers were surprised to see Loch give Charlie the smack down but I expected it.

And one other thing with that show. Do the survivors not live at the "cave" anymore? What happened to that?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Inside the Train

Inside the Train
Inside the Train,
originally uploaded by harpm1.
I love this. Its from Donovan's Party and Jaylen is quite the character. Donovan looks very enthralled by Tony.

Reflecting on Yesterday's LOST on Phone Blog

From the car

I talk about what I saw in the episode of LOST "23rd Psalm" as Mr. Echo sees a lot more than just a cloud of smoke in the monster. This is a freeze frame moment. Download this cast to get my comments.

this is an audio post - click to play

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